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meminta nasehat bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "meminta nasehat"
  • meminta:    appeal; apply; ask; ask for; asked for; asking
  • nasehat:    word to the wise; advise; suggestion; counsel;
  • nasehat:    word to the wise; advise; suggestion; counsel; teaching; consultation; recommendation; teachings; advice; admonition; exhortation
  • meminta:    appeal; apply; ask; ask for; asked for; asking for; beg; beseech; call for; calling for; crave; looking for; made a request; making a request; present a petition; putting the arm to; request; reques
  • mendapat nasehat:    well-advised
  • mendengarkan nasehat:    hear reason; heard reason; hearing reason
  • menerima nasehat:    listening to reason
  • menurut nasehat:    did one's bidding; did the bidding of; do bidding; do one's bidding; do the bidding of; doing one's bidding; doing the bidding of; done one's bidding; done the bidding of
  • menuruti nasehat:    follow advice
  • minta nasehat:    laid before; lay before; laying before
  • nasehat hukum:    legal advice
  • turut nasehat:    act on advice; acted on advice; acting on advice
  • meminta (korban):    cost
  • meminta . mengurus:    giving change of
  • meminta agar:    asked that
  • I come here for advice... not "slalvation."
    Aku datang kemari untuk meminta nasehat... bukan pengampunan.
  • A living person shouldn't ask a tree for advice.
    Orang yang hidup seharusnya tidak meminta nasehat dari pohon.
  • What is the matter that being passed for consul with full voice,
    Apa masalahnya, meminta nasehat dengan suara bulat?
  • Dude, why are you asking us for advice on girls?
    Mengapa kau meminta nasehat masalah gadis ke kita ?
  • Asking a friend for advice.
    Meminta nasehat dari seorang teman.
  • How much do you hate it when people ask you for free advice?
    Apakah kau tak suka.. saat seseorang meminta nasehat darimu?
  • The plongeur won't be coming to you for advice anymore, eh, Colette?
    Orang baru itu tak akan meminta nasehat darimu lagi, eh, Colette?
  • Why have you come to a church for counsel if you're not religious?
    Kenapa kau datang ke gereja meminta nasehat jika kau tak beragama?
  • Gary went to him for advice on the bank job and he wanted full share.
    Gary meminta nasehat padanya dan dia menginginkan seluruh uangnya.
  • Do not think for one moment that he will not be consulting Sun Tzu's manual.
    Jangan pernah berpikir walau sesaat kalau dia tidak akan meminta nasehat dari Sun Tzu.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2